Compliance bei ESPRiT Engineering

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for the moral and ethical behavior of all ESPRiT employees. It emphasizes the values, principles, and practices that shape the entrepreneurial behavior of ESPRiT.
It also summarizes the most important principles for legal and compliant behavior, as well as for the humane treatment of employees. It provides guidance in the daily work environment and is intended to support and promote correct, honest, and responsible behavior.
The ESPRiT Engineering Code of Conduct extends beyond the boundaries of the company: ESPRiT Engineering encourages its partners, suppliers, and contractors to also comply with and promote the contents and values.

Our Code of Conduct will be available for download here shortly

Whistleblower Reporting Center

Our whistleblowing procedure enables employees, partners or other stakeholders to report violations of the Code of Conduct, other company guidelines and other potential misconduct. The protection of whistleblowers within the procedure is our top priority. We ensure this at all times through a high level of confidentiality, respect for anonymity and the strict avoidance of retaliation. The aim of our whistleblowing procedure is to identify, counteract and ultimately prevent potential misconduct.

If you wish to report violations or provide information about possible misconduct, you can contact us confidentially and anonymously via our whistleblowing portal
You can also contact our external compliance officer by email at
You can send queries to the Compliance & Legal department at our parent company via